Evolution - Or How the Norton Virus Saved Mankind


2006, 24"h x 24"w x6"d

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The Story

Two types of evolution are presented in this piece. Behind the red abacus is a mirror.  If you position yourself in front of the abacus you get the Darwinian evolution (chimp > man) not saying we descended (or is it ascended?) but rather that we had a common ancestor!

The other evolution presented is the abacus going to the calculator and finally the computer.  But the computer is rapidly evolving.  The computer is presented as tubes (passageway) filled with bits of information.  The tubes in the back represent the original Apple (left tube) and IBM (right tube).  Then with the passage of time we see the computers becoming part of the environment - shown by foliage on the tube surface, until you and the chimp are completely encircled and become prisoners of the computer. When the computers go down in a store, bank, office etc. all activity ceases.

Many years ago, Norton understood what was going to happen. With this understanding, he developed a virus that would "kill" a computer (red spheres) and quietly infected computers during their manufacturing process.  Dying computers are shown in the background (black spheres)!

As such, mankind will be saved!! (The irony of Norton both being the virus and saving the world is hard to miss)


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