Or Would You Rather Be … ?


2001, 26"h x 21"w x 5"d

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The Story

Stained glass symbols depict the rivalry of sun and the moon.  The sun is powerful and source of life.  The moon is a reflection, but admired by lovers.

Aphrodite, goddess of love, arose from the sea, Symbolized by the seashells.

Athena, goddess of hunt/war, after millennia of worship, is in a reflective mood.  Would she have been happier if she were loved, rather than worshiped?

Or would you like to swing on a star

Carry moonbeams home in a jar

And be better off than you are

Or would you rather be a…….?

The ancients saw the life giving force of the sun. Lovers and poets favored the luminosity and beauty of the moon.


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