Intelligent Design


2006, 37"h x 24"w x 7"d

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The Story

The upper right of the piece presents life created by God as presented in the bible with animals appearing before man (upper center).

Lower right depicts a design failure by the Creator - dinosaurs from egg to fossil.  The right side and the upper right show man becoming "the Creator/Designer" going through stem cells and cloning - improving the specie.  But Man made a serious design mistake by inventing a number of religions depicted by the worship of a Coke bottle ("The Gods Must Be Crazy").

The center shows a computer with both Man and God claiming its creation (right circle contains a butterfly showing a beautiful creation by God, the left circle holds a mirror your reflection validates Man's ability to create something beautiful).

The mock turtle, neither Man nor God, wishes to claim this product as an example of "Intelligent Design".  The timepiece in the center stresses the importance of time, a requirement for all designs to come to fruition! 


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