Backroom - Barings Bank, Singapore
1994, 11"h x 9"w x 2"d
The Story
This was the second box Ted created and it is modeled after his first box, Financial Expert - Orange County. Sadly, the story here mirrors what happened in Orange County, California. Barings Bank was a large British bank founded in 1782. In 1995, a 28-year-old trader in Singapore made over $1 billion in unauthorized trades and sunk the bank and its 200+ year history. A parrot moving some crackers along the abacus captures the absurdity of such an event.
A significant artistic detail that is represented in this piece is the addition of a pane of glass. After seeing his first piece, Ted’s art professor suggested adding a piece of glass to his artwork, commenting that “it would give the piece more importance.” Ted liked the idea and a key part of his artwork was born. Many years down the road, the plane panes of glass would undergo another transformation as they morphed into stained glass and added a completely new dimension to his artwork and stories.